Information About Compressors and Decompressors
get general information about a compressor or decompressor, your application
can use the ICGetInfo10NQ.GV
function. This function fills an ICINFOY3A732 structure with information about the compressor
or decompressor. Your application must allocate the memory for the ICINFO
structure and pass a pointer to it in ICGetInfo. Unless your application
searches for a particular compressor or decompressor, the flags in the ICINFO
structure provide the most useful information about the capabilities of a
compressor or decompressor.
get the default key-frame rate and default quality value of a compressor or
decompressor, your application can send the ICM_GETDEFAULTKEYFRAMERATE10QG08O and ICM_GETDEFAULTQUALITY7_GJ2X messages (or use the ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate4AZ6_L6 and ICGetDefaultQuality8HTO.4 macros).
determine the best display format of a compressor or decompressor, your application
can use the ICGetDisplayFormatYCVSYN function.
To determine
if a compressor or decompressor can display an About dialog box, send the ICM_ABOUT2.PLA4A message (or use the ICQueryAboutQU0SJO macro). You can also
display the About dialog box of a compressor or decompressor by sending the
ICM_ABOUT message and changing the value of the wParam parameter (or by
using the ICAbout1828_V2